Following the circular economy conference on waste management held in Buzau on May 16, 2019, we would like to bring your attention to the following items:
- There have been speakers from public institutions, the industry, private enterprises, NGOs, and academia. You can download all the presentations that we received here or you can choose to download each individual presentation below:
- ARAMA Georgeta – Caracterizarea și încadrarea corectă a deșeurilor industriale în lista europeană de deșeuri
- CALUGARU Dragos – Caravana ECOTIC
- CUCULAS Iulian – Finanțarea structurată a proiectelor în Economia Circulară
- HORNET Iuliean – Instalație de reciclare și valorificare superioară a deșeurilor prin piroliză
- LEBRUN Teddy – Scalarea economiei circulare pentru gestionarea resurselor din deșeuri
- POPILIAN Ana-Maria – Bune practici de gestionare a deșeurilor din proiectul BIOREGIO
- The pictures taken at the event can be found here.
- The agenda [RO] can be consulted here.
- The activity report [RO] can be consulted here.
By means of this message, we would like to reiterate our appreciation for our sponsors, collaborators, partners, and for all the participants to our events. Romania’s Circular Strategy 2020-2030 would not be possible without your support and involvement.